Check out the work of the AFRICAN MARKET OBSERVATORY through our Working Papers, Policy Papers, Op-Eds and other channels.
Op-Eds & Media

July 28, 2022; The Conversation
June 1, 2022; The Conversation
April 24, 2022, Daily Maverick
March 14, 2022, Daily Maverick
September 14, 2021, The Conversation
August 26, 2020, The Conversation
Working & Policy papers
Mahuma, A., Landani, N. and Roberts, S. (2024). The state of competition in Tanzania’s fertilizer markets. CCRED African Market Observatory Working Paper.
Landani, N., Mahuma, A. and Roberts, S. (2024). Competition issues in soybean to poultry markets in Tanzania. CCRED African Market Observatory Working Paper.
Nsomba, G., Shedi, O. and Roberts, S. (2024). Understanding women’s roles and trade potential along the soybean-to-poultry regional value chain: Case studies from Malawi and South Africa – Making the African Continental Free Trade Area work for women. FAO & ITC.
Roberts, S., Shedi, O., Tausha, I., Kaonga, K., Nsomba, G., Tshabalala, N. (2023). Competition, concentration, and market outcomes in fertiliser markets in East and Southern Africa. CCRED African Market Observatory Working Paper
Kaonga, K., Nsomba, G., Tshabalala, N., Roberts, S., Tausha, I., Shedi, O. (2023). Concentration, market structure and barriers to entry in the vegetable oil value chain in East and Southern Africa. CCRED African Market Observatory Working Paper
Nsomba, G. and Roberts, S. (2023). Building competitive agricultural markets for Zambia: Unlocking export potential. Policy report by CCRED for IGC
Nsomba, G. and Shedi, O. (2023). Market development for regional industrialization and sustainability: the case of the soybean to poultry value chain. CCRED-IDTT Working Paper
Gondwe, T., Nsomba, G. and Roberts, S. (2022). Competition and the challenges of inclusive economic development: An apparent margin squeeze in poultry farming in Malawi. CCRED Working Paper Series
Nsomba, G., Mhone, A.K., Mulozi, I., Oiro, R. and Roberts, S. (2022). Competition issues and regional integration in soybean and animal feed to poultry markets, within and across Kenya, Malawi and Zambia. CCRED Working Paper Series
Roberts, S. and Tshabalala, N. (2022), High Food Prices in Africa: Causes, Consequences and agenda for action. African Climate Foundation Position Paper
Nsomba, G., Roberts, S., Tshabalala, N. and Manjengwa, E. (2022). Assessing agriculture & food markets in Eastern and Southern Africa: an agenda for regional competition enforcement. CCRED Working Paper Series
Nsomba, G., Roberts, S. and Tshabalala, N. (2021). Assessing agriculture markets in Eastern and Southern Africa: Implications for inclusion, climate change and the case for a market observatory. CCRED Working Paper Series
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