Governance of the IDTT is exercised through a Project Steering Committee (PSC) that is convened and chaired by a representative of the DTI. The PCS considers and approves research priorities, allocates and approves budgets, considers and approves reports, and provides overall guidance to the work of the IDTT. The PSC consists of the following members:
Nimrod Zalk: Chairperson and Industrial Development Policy and Strategy Advisor, Department of Trade and Industry
Ilse Karg: Chief Director for Future Production Technologies & Industry 4.0, Department of Trade and Industry
Fiona Tregenna: South African Research Chair (SARChI Chair) in Industrial Development, and Professor in the College of Business and Economics at the University of Johannesburg
Thando Vilakazi: Executive Director, Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development
Elvis Avenyo: Senior Researcher, Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development