Journal Articles
Goga, S. and Bell, J. (2024). Industrialization, decarbonization, and sustainability: The role of development finance and implications for inequality. Development Southern Africa, pp.1-19.
Bowman, A. and Chisoro, S. (2024). Inclusive agro-industrial development and sectoral systems of innovation: insights from South Africa. Innovation and Development, DOI: 10.1080/2157930X.2024.2312311
Roberts, S. (2023). Competition, trade, and sustainability in agriculture and food markets in Africa, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 39(1), Spring 2023, 147–161.
Roberts, S., Simbanegavi, W., and Vilakazi, T. (2023) Cementing regional integration or building walls? Competition, cartels and regional integration in the cement industry in Africa, The World Economy 46(2), 303-495.
Vilakazi, T. & Ponte, S. (2022). Black economic empowerment and quota allocations in South Africa’s industrial fisheries. Development and Change.
Paelo, A. & Roberts, S (2022). Competition and regulation of mobile money platforms in Africa: a comparative analysis of Kenya and Uganda. Review of Industrial Organization, 60, 463–489.
Minja, R. A., Ponte, S., Mwamfupe, A., & Noe, C. (2022). The Legitimacy of Sustainability Initiatives in Tanzania. The European Journal of Development Research.
Goga, S. & Avenyo, E.K. (2022). Industrial Policy, the manufacturing sector and Black Empowerment in South Africa. Transformation, 109, 80-111.
Avenyo, E.K., & Tregenna, F.(2022). Greening manufacturing: Technology intensity and carbon dioxide emissions in developing countries. Applied Energy, 324: 119726.
Jeetoo J., Jaunky V.C. & Imhofc J.O. (2022). Willingness to pay to enhance pandemic preparedness in Mauritius, Public Health 211 144e148.
Krishnan A., De Marchi V. & Ponte S. (2022). Environmental Upgrading and Downgrading in Global Value Chains: A Framework for Analysis, Economic Geography,DOI:10.1080/00130095.2022.2100340.
Jeetoo J. (2022). External indebtedness in Sub-Saharan Africa: a spatial econometric perspective, Studies in Economics and Econometrics, DOI: 10.1080/03796205.2022.2089217.
Andreoni, A. and Roberts, S. (2022). Governing Digital Platform Power for Industrial Development: Towards an Entrepreneurial-Regulatory State, Cambridge Journal of Economics 46(6), November 2022, 1431–1454.
Avenyo, E. K. and Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021). Innovation and the performance of informal enterprises in developing countries: A gender perspective. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship.
Avenyo, E.K., Tregenna, F. and Kraemer-Mbula, E. (2021). Do Productive Capabilities Affect Export Performance? Evidence from African Firms. The European Journal of Development Research, 33(2), pp.304-329.
Bell, J.F. and Monaco, L. (2021). Power and supply chain development in the South African and Thai automotive industries: What lessons can be learnt?. Journal of International Development. Vol. 33(3).
Boone, C.D. and Wilse-Samson, L. (2021). Structural Change and Internal Labor Migration: Evidence from the Great Depression. The Review of Economics and Statistics, pp.1-54.
Das Nair, R. and Landani, N. (2021). New approaches to supermarket supplier development programmes in Southern Africa. Development Southern Africa, 38(1), pp.4-20.
Fu, X., Avenyo, E. and Ghauri, P., 2021. Digital platforms and development: a survey of the literature. Innovation and Development, 11(2-3), pp.303-321.
Fung, S-S and Roberts, S. (2021). Covid-19 and The Role of a Competition Authority: The CMA’s Response to Price Gouging Complaints. Journal of European Competition Law & Practice.
Mondliwa, P., Goga, S. & Roberts, S. (2021). Competition, Productive Capabilities and Structural Transformation in South Africa. European Journal of Development Research. Vol. 33, pp.253-274.
Mondliwa, P., Roberts, S. and Ponte, S. (2021). Competition and power in Global Value Chains. Competition and Change. Vol. 25(3-4), pp.328-349.
Nsomba, G. (2021). The Coca-Cola Company/Coca-Cola Beverages Africa Merger: Lessons for Robust Regional Competition Enforcement. The Antitrust Bulletin.
Paelo and Roberts (2022). Competition and regulation of mobile money platforms in Africa: a comparative analysis of Kenya and Uganda. Review of Industrial Organization. p.1-27.
Ponte, S. (2021). Bursting the bubble? The hidden costs and visible conflicts behind the Prosecco wine ‘miracle’. Journal of Rural Studies, 86, pp.542-553.
Das Nair, R. and Landani, N. (2020). New approaches to supermarket supplier development programmes in Southern Africa. Development Southern Africa.
Mondliwa, P. and Roberts, S. (2019). From a developmental to a regulatory state? Sasol and the conundrum of continued state support, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol. 33(1).
Vilakazi, T. and Roberts, S. (2019). Cartels as ‘fraud’? Insights from collusion in southern and East Africa in the fertiliser and cement industries. Review of African Political Economy, Vol. 46 (161), 369-386.
Goga, S,, Bosiu, T. and Bell, J. (2019). Linking IDC finance to structural transformation and inclusivity in post-apartheid South Africa. Development Southern Africa, 36:6, 821-838.
Burke, M. (2018) Prioritization in practice: insights from the Competition Commission South Africa, Journal of Antitrust Enforcement.
Das Nair, R., Chisoro, S. and Ziba, F. (2018). The implications for suppliers of the spread of supermarkets in southern Africa. Development Southern Africa. 35(3). pp 334-350
Vilakazi, T. (2018). The causes of high intra-regional road freight rates for food and commodities in Southern Africa. Development Southern Africa. 35(3). pp 388-403
Fessehaie, J. and Rustomjee, Z. (2018). Resource-based industrialisation in Southern Africa: Domestic policies, corporate strategies and regional dynamics. Development Southern Africa. 35(3). pp 404-418
Arndt, C. and Roberts, S. (2018). Key issues in regional growth and integration in Southern Africa. Development Southern Africa. 35(3). pp 297-314
Das Nair, R. (2018). The spread and internationalisation of South African retail chains and the implications of market power. International Review of Applied Economics.
Mondliwa, P. and Roberts, S. (2018). From a developmental to a regulatory state? Sasol and the conundrum of continued state support. International Review of Applied Economics.
Das Nair, R. (2017) The internationalisation of supermarkets and the nature of competitive rivalry in retailing in southern Africa 1. Development Southern Africa,
Roberts, S. (2016). Thematic Overview: Economic Regulation and the Development of Telecoms, Mobile Money and Banking. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 17 (1).
Robb, G. and Vilakazi, T. (2016). Mobile Payments Markets in Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe: A Comparative Study of Competitive Dynamics and Outcomes. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 17 (1).
Macmillan, R., Paelo, A. and Paremoer, T. (2016). The “Evolution” of Regulation in Uganda’s Mobile Money Sector. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 17 (1).
Makhaya, T. and Nhundu, N. (2016). Competition, Barriers to Entry and Inclusive Growth in Retail Banking: Capitec Case Study. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 17 (1).
Hawthorne, R. (2016). The Impact of the Call Termination Rate Reduction on Consumer Surplus in South Africa. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 17 (1).
Roberts, S. (2016). Competition and economic development in southern and East Africa. Competition in Africa: Insights from key industries. Cape Town: South Africa, HSRC Press.
Amunkete, T., Chokwe, E., Gabriel, G., Humavindu, M., Khumalo, J., Mbongwe, T., Nguruse, G. and Nyagol, B.O. (2016). Regional cartels and competition in the cement industry across six countries: Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Tanazania and Zambia. Competition in Africa: Insights from key industries. Cape Town: South Africa, HSRC Press.
Chisanga, B., Gathiaka, J., Nguruse, G., Onyancha, S. and Vilakazi, T. (2016). Agricultural development, competition and investment: The case of sugar in Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. Competition in Africa: Insights from key industries. Cape Town: South Africa, HSRC Press.
Bagopi, E., Chokwe, E., Halse, P., Hausiki, J., Humavindu, M., Kalapula, W. and Roberts, S. (2016). Competition, agro-processing and regional development: The case of the poultry sector in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zambia. Competition in Africa: Insights from key industries. Cape Town: South Africa, HSRC Press.
Ncube, P., Roberts, S. and Vilakazi, T. (2016). Regulation and rivalry in transport and supply in the fertilizer industry in Malawi, Tanzania and Zambia. Competition in Africa: Insights from key industries. Cape Town: South Africa, HSRC Press.
Mlulla, A. and Roberts, S. (2016). Conclusions and key implications. Competition in Africa: Insights from key industries. Cape Town: South Africa, HSRC Press.
Das Nair, R., Mondliwa, P. and Roberts, S. (2015). The inter-relationships between regulation and competition enforcement in the South African liquid fuels industry. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 26 (1).
Hawthorne, R. (2015). Economic Regulation of the Telecommunications Sector in South Africa 2009-2014. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 1st Online Issue.
Raffinetti, C. (2015). Licencing of communications networks and services: Case study of market liberalisation in South Africa and the United Kingdom. The African Journal of Information and Communication, 1st Online Issue.
Zengeni, T. and Mahonye, N. (2015). Aid Dynamics in Selected SADC countries. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 12(1): 146-162.
Mncube, L. (2014). The South African Wheat Flour Cartel: Overcharges at the Mill, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade
Mncube, L. (2014). Settling for a Discount: A Review of the Pioneer Foods Price Reduction Remedy, Agrekon: Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa, 53 (1)
Roberts, S., Khumalo, J., and Mashiane, J. (2014). Harm and Overcharge in the South African Precast Concrete Products Cartel, Journal of Competition Law and Economics
Mondliwa, P. and Roberts, S. (2014). Excessive pricing and industrial development: the recent Competition Tribunal finding against Sasol Chemical Industries, New Agenda
Robb, G. and Roberts, S. (2014). Understanding Economic Regulation and Competition in a Developing Economy: Introduction to Special Issue. Journal of Economics and Financial Sciences, 7, Special issue
Roberts, S. and Mondliwa, P. (2014). Fuelling industrial development? A critical review of liquid fuels regulation in South Africa, Journal of Economics and Financial Sciences, 7, Special issue
Sylvester, A. (2014). Excessive prices legislation in developing markets: Some problems that arise when importing the law from developed jurisdictions, Journal of Economics and Financial Sciences, 7, Special Issue
Montmasson-Clair, G. (2014). Commissioning Renewable Energy: A Review of South Africa’s Regulatory and Procurement Experience, Journal of Economics and Financial Sciences, 7, Special issue
Ratshisusu, H. (2014). The roles of the competition commission and the construction industry development board in promoting competition and limiting construction industry cartels: a review of the fast track construction settlement project, Journal of Economics and Financial Sciences, 7, Special Issue
Mncube, L. (2013). Strategic Entry Deterrence: Pioneer Foods and the Bread Cartel, Journal of Competition Law and Economics 9 (3)
Makhaya, G. and Roberts, S. (2013). Expectations and outcomes – considering competition and corporate power in South Africa under democracy, Review of African Political Economy
Roberts, S. (2013). Challenging the Power of Big Companies: Competition Policy Isn’t Enough’, New Agenda, 49: 40-48.
Mncube, L. (2013). On Market Power and Cartel Detection: The Flour Cartel Case, Journal for Studies in Economics and Econometrics, 37 (3)
Makhaya, G., Mkwananzi, W. and Roberts, S. (2012). How should young institutions approach enforcement? Reflections on South Africa’s experience, South African Journal of International Affairs, 19(1): 43-64.
das Nair, R., Khumalo, J. and Roberts, S. (2012). Corporate conduct and competition policy in Intermediate Industrial Products, New Agenda, 16-21.
Grimbeek, S. (2012). Food and Agro-Processing: Enhancing Competitive Outcomes through Facilitating New Entry, New Agenda, First Quarter: 33-37.
Mncube, L. and Bonakele, T. Designing Appropriate Remedies for Competition Law Enforcement: The Pioneer Foods Settlement Agreement. Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 8(2): 425-447.
Ngepah, N. (2011). Exploring the Impact of Energy Resources on Production, Inequality and Poverty in Simultaneous Equations Models for South Africa, African Development Review, 23(3): 335-351.
Roberts, S., Corbett, C. and das Nair, R. (2011). Bargaining power and market definition: A reflection on two mergers, Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 4: 147-166.
Ngwenya, A. and Robb, G. (2011). Theory and practice in the use of merger remedies: Considering South African experience, Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences, 4: 203-220.
Burke, M. (2011). A Decade of e-Government Research in Africa, African Journal of Information and Communication, 12: 2- 25.
Aproskie, J and Goga, S. (2011). Administrative Penalties - Impact and Alternatives, Journal of Economics and Financial Sciences, 4 (Special Issue): 133-146