African Market Observatory (AMO) Price Tracker
The monthly price tracker summarises key trends in prices in East and Southern Africa for selected staple food products. The first issue of the price tracker was released in April 2021 and all previous price trackers can be accessed below.
We gather information on prices from several sources and provide the analysis free of charge as a public service. This information is available to:
Market participants, particularly smaller market participants who cannot afford their own market intelligence
Policymakers as an input for decision making
Other research institutions
Competition authorities in the region
The graphs below show price developments for maize and soybeans for a selection of areas we follow. For a complete data set please refer to the latest price tracker.
Previous reports
We currently Cover the following Products and countries
Maize meal
Soybean meal
Urea fertilizer
DAP fertilizer
The data used by the African Market Observatory and reported in the price trackers is collated from various sources including directly from market participants and organisations in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
We are crowd-sourcing data via a customized app by POKET which is available for download on the Google play store.