Buthelezi, T. and Thibane, T. (17 and 18 October 2024). Strategic Patenting and its Impact on Competition: Evidence from the South African Pharmaceutical Sector. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Chibvuri, D. (17 and 18 October 2024). The Zimbabwean Experiences on Cross Border Merger Regulation. The Case Study for COMESA Competition Commission9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Davis, L.  (17 and 18 October 2024). Transformative Competition Law Adjudication for Africa9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Dingley,D., Vertue, C.A. and Lodolo, G. (17 and 18 October 2024). Reviews of specific cases and market inquiries in African jurisdictions and comparative insights9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Dzenga, C. and Zengeni, T. (17 and 18 October 2024). Enforcement of Public Interest Considerations in Merger Regulation: A Case Study of the Lithium Mining Sector in Zimbabwe. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Fisher, C. (17 and 18 October 2024). Enforcing the prohibition of refusals to supply in South African competition law. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Frauenknecht, A., Wagner, A. and Pengelly, C. (17 and 18 October 2024). The role of rebates on essential foods in the context of supply shocks. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Gumede, S. (17 and 18 October 2024). Binding Recommendations under the Competition Act No.89 of 1998, as Amended: The Future Effectiveness of Market Inquiries in South Africa. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Kalanangwa, C. (17 and 18 October 2024). Competition Law Cases Across African Jurisdictions and Comparative Insights. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Kwena, E. and Ogallo, J.  (17 and 18 October 2024). Assessing the Impact of Legislative Amendments on Competition Law Enforcement in Kenya.  9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Modungwa, G. (17 and 18 October 2024). Competition and regulation of mobile money services in Botswana.  9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Mwarania, N.K. (17 and 18 October 2024). Alternative competition enforcement tools: market inquiries Kenya. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Odima, A.  (17 and 18 October 2024). Pathways to Cross- Border Merger Regulations in Kenya; Experiences and Prospects: A Case Study of Coca-Cola Sabco East Africa and Almasi Beverages Merger Transaction.  9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Oiro, R. (17 and 18 October 2024). Enhancing competition law and policy enforcement in Africa's agriculture and food systems transformation. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Oxenham, J., Eveleigh, J. and Friday, M. (17 and 18 October 2024). Role and efficacy of retail market inquiries in identifying buyer power: Comparative review of retail market inquiries and abuse of buyer power prohibitions in Kenya and South Africa.  9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Simelane, L.N. (17 and 18 October 2024). The effects of a new entrant in the mobile telecommunications market in Eswatini. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Vertue, C.A. (17 and 18 October 2024). Environmental Sustainability in Competition Regulation: A Strategic Priority or Distraction in the Battle against Poverty? 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.

Ziyadhuma, P., Mapuranga, T. and Tsiga , B. (17 and 18 October 2024). The role of Competition Law and Policy in promoting inclusive growth for low-income households and SMEs in Zimbabwe's Food and Agriculture Sector. 9th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2024 Conference, Nairobi, Kenya.


Armoogum, K.P. (5 and 6 October 2023). Competition policy responses to COVID-19 in Africa. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Bietti, E., Bostoen, F., and Mwangi, J. (5 and 6 October 2023). Shades of Technology Decentralization: From the EU Digital Markets Act to Substantive Fairness in African Digital Markets. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Chiluba, M. (5 and 6 October 2023). The Development of Competition Authorities in Africa and Practical Challenges in Building Competition Regimes. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Das Nair, R. (5 and 6 October 2023). ‘Supermarketisation’ of African Food Systems: Implications and Responses. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Felet, A. and Faarez Gamieldien, F. (5 and 6 October 2023). Achieving competitive outcomes in the South African electricity market. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Gaetsewe, B. (5 and 6 October 2023). The costs of failing to allocate high demand spectrum on the broadband data market in South Africa. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Grzybowski, L., Lindlacher, V. and Mothobi, O. (5 and 6 October 2023). Interoperability between mobile money agents and choice of network operators: the case of Tanzania. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Gumede, S. (5 and 6 October 2023). A Revised Evidentiary Standard of Proof for Digital Markets. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Klaaren, J., Moothoo Padayachie, K. and Shedi, O. (5 and 6 October 2023). The impact of competition law remedies on public interest. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Lesofe, I and Tetani, S. (5 and 6 October 2023). Using market inquiries: A sharper tool for competition authorities?. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Mwasaru, T. (5 and 6 October 2023). Developments in digital markets and the relevance for African markets. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.

Oxenham, J., Currie, M.J. and Eveleigh, J. (5 and 6 October 2023). Assessing the state of play of digital markets within the African context. 8th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2023 Conference, Turtle Bay, Balaclava, Mauritius.


Aproskie, J. and Bleazard, T. (15 and 16 September 2022). The potential for a broader application of the substantial lessening of competition (SLC) standard: A South African perspective. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Baulch, B., Kok, S.K. and Jolex, A. (15 and 16 September 2022). A New Approach to Monitoring Farmer Prices: Method and an application to a low-income African country. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Booluck, S. (15 and 16 September 2022). Assessing the merger control provisions of the COMESA competition regulations of 2004: time for an overhaul? 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Bundhun, S.D. (15 and 16 September 2022). Climate protection and sustainability considerations in merger review. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC). (15 and 16 September 2022). Assessing the efficiency, competitiveness, and effectiveness of digital markets in Malawi. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC). (15 and 16 September 2022). Evaluation of mergers assessment and impact in Malawi- the case of Toyota-CFAO merger and MSB-FDH merger. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Friday, M. (15 and 16 September 2022). The law and economics of potential competition in digital markets: case studies in online intermediation platforms. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Gumede, S. and Manenzhe, P. (15 and 16 September 2022). Competition regulation for digital markets in Africa: lessons from South Africa. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Jere, L. (15 and 16 September 2022). The merger authorization criteria in Malawi: an examination of the effect of consumer welfare considerations. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Kigwiru. V.K. (15 and 16 September 2022). COMESA Competition Commission agenda setting power in COMESA and COMESA member state's competition policy legislative processes. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Mahlathi, Y. (15 and 16 September 2022). An assessment of the tests for excessive pricing and amendments to the Competition Act. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Malie. M. (15 and 16 September 2022). An assessment of the responsiveness of share prices to cartel interventions by South African competition authorities. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Mbvundula, L. (15 and 16 September 2022). Cartel regulation in developing countries: a comparative analysis of competition regimes in Malawi and South Africa. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Mdala, S.C. (15 and 16 September 2022). Competition policy options for the African Continental Free Trade Area. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Motaung, R.K. (15 and 16 September 2022). The impact of entry on competition in the South African mobile data market: a case study on rain mobile. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Msimango, N. and Orffer, C. (15 and 16 September 2022). Analysing South Africa's energy policy and regulatory reform: the case for promoting climate and competition considerations in policy formulation. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Ncube, S. (15 and 16 September 2022). Competition and regulation issues in the mobile banking industry in Zimbabwe. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Njako, P. (15 and 16 September 2022). New thinking in competition regulation: adjusting law and enforcement to address the challenges of African markets. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Oxenham, J., Currie M.J. and Eveleigh, J. (15 and 16 September 2022). “Buyer Power” in emerging markets – economic or consumer protection driven. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Panjwani , A. (15 and 16 September 2022). The development of a competition framework for the success of the AfCFTA: previous attempts within regional blocs and lessons to be learnt from Europe and Asia. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Robb, G. (15 and 16 September 2022). Developing thinking in merger assessment: reflections from recent UK experience. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Sokapase, Z. (15 and 16 September 2022). Market power and price discrimination in the market for the trading of piped gas in South Africa. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.

Thomi, J. (15 and 16 September 2022). Competition and regulation of online shopping platforms in Kenya. 7th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2022 Conference, Senga Bay, Malawi.


Armoogum, P. (19 and 20 July 2018). Assessing the effectiveness of a regional competition regime in the Southern African region. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Bagopi, E. (19 and 20 July 2018). An Inquiry into Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). The case of Botswana. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Barnes, J., Black, A. & Monaco, L. (19 and 20 July 2018). State – business bargaining, localisation and supply chain development in the South African auto industry. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Du Plesis, L. (19 and 20 July 2018). Structural requirements for the successful deregulation of gas energy prices in South Africa. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Gotora, S. and Sebalo, M. (19 and 20 July 2018).  Guidelines for prudency assessment. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Hawthorne, R. and Grzybowski, L. (19 and 20 July 2018). Benefits from competition in a high-inequality economy: The case of mobile telephony in South Africa. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Kairi, T. (19 and 20 July 2018). Regional cartel enforcement – a cartel in South Africa is still a cartel in the region? 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Kaziboni, L. and Rustomjee, Z. (19 and 20 July 2018). Constraints to developing a competitive machinery and equipment industry. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Knight, S. and Mahlalela, N. (19 and 20 July 2018). Seven key considerations for South Africa as more Renewable Energy is added to the energy mix. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Kolobe, T. and Anderson, P. (19 and 20 July 2018). Asleep with the lights on: Missed opportunities and the need to restructure the electricity supply industry. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Labson, S. (19 and 20 July 2018). Prudent and efficient costs: Standards for regulation decision making. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Mburu, R. (19 and 20 July 2018). The contemporary regulatory challenges for telecoms, and transition to smart cities and a digital economy. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Memela, S. (19 and 20 July 2018). Radical economic transformation through transformative competition law and policy. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Mtombeni, S. and Sekgobela, T. (19 and 20 July 2018). Competing on whose merits? 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Mutsau, I. (19 and 20 July 2018). A Comparative Analysis of International Gas Prices against the South African Gas Energy Price (2012 -2016). 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Okanga, A. and Melly, L. (19 and 20 July 2018). Competition and regional integration Zdeveloping an effective regime for assessing regional mergers and prosecuting cross-border cartels. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Paelo, A. (19 and 20 July 2018). Mobile money in perspective: Contrasting experiences in South Africa and Kenya. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Paelo, A., Robb, G. and Vilakazi, T. (19 and 20 July 2018). Pioneer Pannar merger impact assessment. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Patel, A. (19 and 20 July 2018). Social regulation and Labour in 4th Industrial revolution and platform economy. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Phaladi, L. (19 and 20 July 2018). Equality, rights and participation in a “competitive” South Africa. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Reddy, L. and Thosago, M.O. (19 and 20 July 2018). Industrial incentive programs and competition policy: friends or foes? Evidence from South Africa. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Ruplal, P. and Abrahams, L. (19 and 20 July 2018). An Innovative Approach to the Regulation of Equipment Authorisation in Developing Countries (South Africa). 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Shanapinda, S. (19 and 20 July 2018). OTT Wars in South Africa: The privacy and cybersecurity regulatory asymmetry and how it complicates advancing the digital economy fairly- A theoretical perspective. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Sithole, A., Nenzhelele, F., Xolo, S., Ngwasheng, E. and Harrison, F. (19 and 20 July 2018). The evolution of economic regulation in South Africa: a review of institutional design, regulatory governance, policy and tools within the energy sector. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Sutherland, E. (19 and 20 July 2018). Trends in regulating the global digital economy. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Sutherland, P.J. (19 and 20 July 2018) Inquiries about market inquiries. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Truen, S. (19 and 20 July 2018). Regulatory independence choices in the regulatory design phase. 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.

Untiedt, M.P. (19 and 20 July 2018). The liquefied petroleum gas market inquiry (2014) is the recommendations realistic or overloaded expectations? 4th Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2018 Conference, IDC, Sandton.


Conference papers

Anderson, P., Lishman, D. and Dumakude, N. Planning a country’s energy infrastructure: an assessment of key debates emerging in South Africa3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

Bardien, G. and Roberts, S. (14 and 15 July 2017). The interplay between industrial policy, firm strategy and market power: reflecting on more than a decade of inquiry. 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Bosiu, T., Chin’anga, F. Mondliwa, P. and Phiri, M. (14 and 15 July 2017). Growth and development in the cosmetics, soaps and detergents regional value chains: South Africa and Zambia. 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Burke, M., Paremoer, T., Vilakazi, T. and Zengeni, Z. (14 and 15 July 2017). Building institutions for competition enforcement and regional integration in Southern Africa3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Chimbaka, B. Establishment Of An Independent System Operator For Enhanced Competition: Zambia’s Case3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

Chisoro, S., Jahari, C., Kilama, B. and Paremoer, T. (14 and 15 July 2017). Regional industrialisation and the development of agro-processing value chains in Tanzania and South Africa. 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

das Nair, R., Nkhonjera, M. and Ziba, F. (14 and 15 July 2017). Growth and Development in the Sugar to Confectionery Value Chain in Zambia and South Africa3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

Goga, S. (14 and 15 July 2017). Challenges and methodologies for screening for cross-border cartels. 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Goliger, A. and Cassim, A. (14 and 15 July 2017). Tipping Points: The Impacts of Rising Electricity Tariffs on Households and Household Electricity Demand. 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

Knight, S. and Mahlalela, N. How rooftop PV can extend access to energy for households across SADC3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

Mabuza, P. (14 and 15 July 2017). Is the Public Private Partnership Model The Right Vehicle for Public Infrastructure Delivery in Developing Countries: An Analysis of International Experience3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

Montmasson-Clair, G. and Bhavna, D. Regional Integration in Southern Africa: A Platform for Electricity Sustainability3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mothobi, O. (14 and 15 July 2017). The Impact of Telecommunication Regulatory Policy on Mobile Retail Price in Sub-Saharan Africa Countries3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Nguruse, G. (14 and 15 July 2017) Competition concerns in the steel market in Tanzania3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Paelo, A. (14 and 15 July 2017). Regulating for the growth of financial services – case study of mobile money. 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Potelwa, X.Y. and Phaleng, L. (14 and 15 July 2017). The evaluation of the regional value chain:  the case of livestock sector in Southern African countries3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Robb, G. (14 and 15 July 2017). Spectrum policy for competition and development: a comparative study of approaches and outcomes in Africa. 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Tausha, I. and Zengeni, T. (14 and 15 July 2017). Promoting Inclusive Growth through Competition Regulation: The case of Tobacco, Cotton and Cattle Marketing in Zimbabwe3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 

Conference presentations

Andreoni, A. (14 and 15 July 2017). The trajectories and challenges of industrialisation in Tanzania: Evidence from firms3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Bardien, G., Phele, T. and Roberts, S. (14 and 15 July 2017). Interplay between industrial policy, firm strategy and market power: metals industries in South Africa3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Bosiu, T., Mondliwa, P., Chin'anga, F. and Phiri, M. (14 and 15 July 2017). Growth and Development in the Cosmetics, Soaps and Detergents Regional Value Chains: Zambia and South Africa3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Burke, M., Paremoer, T., Vilakazi, T. and Zengeni, Z. (14 and 15 July 2017). Building institutions for competition enforcement and regional integration in Southern Africa3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Chimbaka, B. (14 and 15 July 2017). Establishment of the independent system operator for enhanced competition: Zambia's case. 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Chinoda, D. (14 and 15 July 2017). The interface between industrial development, inclusive growth, and competition3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Chisoro, S. (14 and 15 July 2017). Regional industrialisation and the development of agro-processing value chains in Tanzania and South Africa: Oilseeds-to-edible oils3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Fox, E.  (14 and 15 July 2017). Competition Law: Developing countries and the world3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Goliger, A. (14 and 15 July 2017). The Impacts of Rising Electricity Tariffs on Households and Household Electricity Demand3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Kaira, T. (14 and 15 July 2017). Challenges of competition authorities in small countries with large neighbours for successful regional enforcement3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Klaaren, J. (14 and 15 July 2017). Principles for Statutory Interpretation relating to efficiency and prudence in the energy sector3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Knight, S. and Mahlalela, N. (14 and 15 July 2017). How rooftop PV can enhance energy security for households across SADC3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Lishman, D., Anderson, P. and Nxumalo, D. (14 and 15 July 2017). Planning a country’s energy infrastructure: an assessment of key debates emerging in South Africa3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mabuza, P. (14 and 15 July 2017). Is the public private partnership model the right vehicle for public infrastructure delivery in developing countries: An analysis of international experience? 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Montmasson-Clair, G. and Deonarian, B. (14 and 15 July 2017). Regional Integration in Southern Africa: A Platform for Electricity Sustainability. 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mothobi, O. (14 and 15 July 2017). The Impact of Telecommunication Regulatory Policy on Mobile Retail Price in Sub-Saharan African Countries3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mukoronia, L. (14 and 15 July 2017). The Roadmap for EAC Merger Review3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Mwamba, F. (14 and 15 July 2017). Competition and Regional Integration, With Focus on Developing an Effective Regime for Assessing Regional Mergers and Prosecuting Cross-Border Cartels3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Nguruse, G. (14 and 15 July 2017). Competition Concerns in the Steel Market in Tanzania3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Paelo, A. (14 and 15 July 2017). A Comparison of the Mobile Financial Services Sector in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Potelwa, X.Y. and Phaleng, L. (14 and 15 July 2017). The evaluation of the regional value chain:  the case of livestock sector in Southern African countries3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Robb, G. (14 and 15 July 2017). Spectrum policy for competition and development: a comparative study of approaches and outcomes in Africa3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Tausha, I. (14 and 15 July 2017). Promoting Inclusive Growth through Competition Regulation: The case of Tobacco, Cotton and Cattle Marketing in Zimbabwe3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Teljeur, E. (14 and 15 July 2017). Cross-border economic regulation – issues and challenges ‘stronger together’ or ‘build a wall’? 3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Wangwe, S. (14 and 15 July 2017). Working to Link Competition Policy and Industrial  Policy in Tanzania3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Ziba, F., das Nair, R. and Nkhonjera, M. (14 and 15 July 2017). Growth and Development in the Sugar to Confectionery Value Chain for South Africa and Zambia3rd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) 2017 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


Abrahams, L. (11 and 12 March 2016). ICT Regulation for fostering the Digital Complexity Economy in the SADC region 2016 – 20302nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Andiva, B. and Masereti, E. (11 and 12 March 2016). Cartel Enforcement: Adoption of Leniency Programe in Kenya. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Bagopi, E., Mbongwe, T, Daman, C. and Modungwa G. (11 and 12 March 2016). Competition dynamics in retail and wholesale sector. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Burke, M. (11 and 12 March 2016). Does prioritisation contribute to effective regulatory governance in developing
countries? Insights from the Competition Commission South Africa.
 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Bwalya, D. and Zulu, L. (11 and 12 March 2016). Cost Reflective Price Regulation of Petroleum: The Case for Zambia. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Chimbaka, B. (11 and 12 March 2016). Electricity Sector Market Reforms: Getting it Right in Developing Countries - SADC. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

das Nair, R. (11 and 12 March 2016). Competition in Supermarkets: A South African perspective2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Fessehaie, J. (11 and 12 March 2016).  Industrial policy, mining regulation and local content. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Fumagalli, C and Motta, M. (11 and 12 March 2016). Dynamic Vertical Foreclosure. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Hamavhwa, E.P. (11 and 12 March 2016). The Role of Industrial Policy and Competition in Regional Integration - The Case of COMESA2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Hawthorne, R. (11 and 12 March 2016). How competitive are markets for telecommunications services in South
 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Kachipapa, A. (11 and 12 March 2016). Fighting Anti-competitive Business Practices in the Malawi Sugar Industry. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Kariga, R. and Khumalo, L. (11 and 12 March 2016). Barriers to Entry, Exclusionary Strategies and Inclusive Growth. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Kamelu, N. and Kaonga K. (11 and 12 March 2016). Barriers to Entry, exclusionary strategies, regulation and inclusive growth in the Forestry Sector in Zambia. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Katungwe, F. (11 and 12 March 2016). Competition Assessment in Malawi Transport Sector. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Kaumba, J., Milezhi, S and Luhanga, S. (11 and 12 March 2016). Cartel Enforcement: Developments in Leniency, Penalty Determination and Regional Cooperation. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Klaaren, J. (11 and 12 March 2016). Institutional Structuring to Promote Dynamic Competitiveness in Economic Regulation of the Energy Sector. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Labson, S.  (11 and 12 March 2016). Asset Valuation and Pricing – Some Popular Myths and Misconceptions. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Macmillan, R. (11 and 12 March 2016). Procedural Innovation in Competition Law for Small Economies.  2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Makhaya, T. and Nhundu, N. (11 and 12 March 2016).  Competition, barriers to entry and inclusive growth
Retail Banking - Capitec case study.
 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Maphosa, M. and Mabusza, P. (11 and 12 March 2016). Trade-offs between pro-poor and cost reflective tariffs in SA2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Mondliwa, P. (11 and 12 March 2016). Barriers to entry in beer (Soweto Gold). 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Odhiambo, F, das Nair, R. and Paremoer, T. (11 and 12 March 2016). Kenya's Special Compliance Process. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Phiri, M. (11 and 12 March 2016). Intra-departmental Cooperation and Government Support in Regulation. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Teljeur, E., van der Hoven and Kagee, S. (11 and 12 March 2016). The Electricity Retail Competition Unicorn: Why we need alternative ESI Structures. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Samboko, P.C.,  Chapoto, A., and Zulu, O. (11 and 12 March 2016). Value Chain Analysis Report of the Animal Feed and Poultry Industry in Zambia. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Sikwanda, C. (11 and 12 March 2016). Migration of Electricity Tariffs to Cost Reflectivity in the SADC Region - A Case Study of Zambia. 2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.

Vilakazi, T. (11 and 12 March 2016). Regional Cartels and a Review of Developments in the Cement Industry2nd Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Livingstone, Zambia.


Ally, N. and Kariga, R. (20 and 21 March 2015). Can the Commission fix competition problems with market enquiries? 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Anderson, P. and Frauenknecht, F. (20 and 21 March 2015).Dealing with dynamic counterfactuals. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Andiva, B. (20 and 21 March 2015). Mobile financial services and regulation in Kenya1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Chisanga, B., Meyer, F., Winter-Nelson, A. and Sitko, N. (20 and 21 March 2015). Does the Current Sugar Market Structure Benefit Consumers and Sugarcane Growers? 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Chisanga, B. (20 and 21 March 2015). Understanding the implications of multinational investment in African grain wholesaling: A case study of Zambia.  1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

das Nair, R. and Roberts, S. (20 and 21 March 2015). The interface of competition and regulation in energy, telecommunications and transport in South Africa1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Felet, A.,  Andersen, P. and  Morne Hendriksz. (20 and 21 March 2015). Reasonable relationship or abuse? At what point is a price excessive under section 8(a)?  1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Guttuso, L. (20 and 21 March 2015). A critical review of leniency and settlements: lessons learnt from Europe. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Hawthorne, R.  (20 and 21 March 2015). Descriptive statistics for the quality of fixed lines in SA. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Joubert, D. (20 and 21 March 2015). Funding of Investment for Replacement and Expansion / Growth of Regulated Infrastructure Industries: theoretical criteria and parameters to ensure adequate capital. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Kaira, T. (20 and 21 March 2015). A Cartel in South Africa is a Cartel in a neighbouring country: Why has the successful Cartel Leniency Policy in South Africa not resulted into automatic cartel confessions in economically interdependent neighbouring countries?  1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Maphwanya, R. (20 and 21 March 2015). The Deterrence Effect of the South African Competition Regime: Analysis of a Survey and Cartel Duration Data. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Mhlanga, O., Maseti, N. and Khoza, T. (20 and 21 March 2015). Can a Regulated Price be Excessive - SA Experience in the Gas Industry. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Mondliwa, P. and das Nair, R. (20 and 21 March 2015). Excessive Pricing revisited: what is a competitive price?  1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Montmasson-Clair, G. and das Nair, R. (20 and 21 March 2015). Channelling Economic Regulation to stimulate Competition for Economic Development and Inclusive Growth: Lessons from South Africa’s Renewable Energy Experience. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Mutambatsere, E. (20 and 21 March 2015). Regulatory frameworks for renewable energy in Africa. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Muteto, P. and Kaonga, K.  (20 and 21 March 2015). Understanding Competition and Regulation across borders. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Ncube, P., Vilakazi, T. and Roberts, S.  (20 and 21 March 2015). Dar es Salaam-Lusaka: Market structure in the road freight industry. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Odhiambo, F.  (20 and 21 March 2015). Convergence of regulation and competition in telecoms and finance: A proposed regulatory framework. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Paelo, A., Vilakazi, T. and Robb, G. (20 and 21 March 2015). Keeping the land wet: Competition and Incumbency in the liquid fuel value chain in South Africa. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Paremoer, T.  and Banda, F. (20 and 21 March 2015). Competition, industrial development and reciprocal control mechanisms1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Tausha, I., Robb, G. and Vilakazi, T. (20 and 21 March 2015). Competition and regulatory issues in emerging mobile payments markets: a case study of Zimbabwe1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

van Lill, W. (20 and 21 March 2015). Analysing the Sasol excessive pricing case: an international comparison.  1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

van Niekerk, A.  (20 and 21 March 2015). Assessing follow-on cartel damages in the SA construction sector. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.

Zengeni, T. (20 and 21 March 2015). The Competitiveness and Performance of the Zimbabwe Poultry Industry. 1st Annual Competition and Economic Regulation (ACER) Conference, Victoria Falls.