The local rooibos market in South Africa comprises 8 large processing firms which account for approximately 90% of the market, with Rooibos Limited controlling 60% of the market. Similar to other processing firms, Rooibos Limited purchases large quantities of tea from commercial farmers and processes it into bulk tea which is subsequently sold to packaging firms to pack into finished products. A case against Rooibos Limited has recently been referred to the Competition Tribunal alleging exclusionary abuse of dominance in contravention of section 8(d)(i) of the Competition Act.
Reflection on the Arcelormittal settlement
On 17 November 2016, the South African Competition Tribunal (“Tribunal”) confirmed a settlement agreement reached between the Competition Commission and ArcelorMittal South Africa Ltd (AMSA) with regards to AMSA’s involvement in the long steel and scrap metal cartels. The settlement covered four complaints against AMSA, three of which involved collusion in flat steel, long steel and scrap metal markets and the other on excessive pricing of flat steel products.