
Lifting competition barriers will help the economy grow

Lifting competition barriers will help the economy grow

THE structure of SA’s economy welcomes few entrants. It is highly concentrated with insiders firmly entrenched. Widening access to the economy, according to the results of a set of studies released this week, will require a concerted and collaborative effort by the government to alter the economic landscape, remove barriers to entry, enhance competition and foster inclusive growth.

Cut barriers to entry for new players in banking

Cut barriers to entry for new players in banking

IN THE next few years, the South African banking sector will see shifts in ownership due to developments at Barclays, Old Mutual and the reconstitution of African Bank. These have been touted as opportunities to bring new players into banking. But what about entrants who want to pursue their own business models as competitors to the incumbents?

Groceries sector needs fewer walls

Groceries sector needs fewer walls

IN TIMES of escalating prices of goods and services, vigorous competition between grocery retailers or supermarkets can result in a much-welcome price reprieve for consumers of basic foods.