The Regulatory Entities Capacity Building Project - Courses

This project is result of a unique partnership between the Economic Development Department and the University of Johannesburg. The project aims to build the capacity of regulators through the design and implementation of a series of capacity building measures to support economic regulators in South Africa. The Centre for Competition, Regulation and Economic Development (CCRED) in the Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences is responsible for implementing the project.

One of the aims of the project was to support the capacity improvement of the regulators via appropriate on-going training and a forum for regulator collaboration and engagement.  This resulted in the delivery of short learning programmes in financial analysis and economic regulation; regulatory law; regulatory economics; and strategic planning and knowledge management for regulatory entities.

The short learning programmes provided are listed below.


  1. Economics for Regulators
  2. Financial Analysis and Accounting for Economic Regulation
  3. Strategic Planning and Knowledge Management in Economic Regulators
  4. Law for Economic Regulation